Unlike e-mail subscriptions, you are not required to provide personal information or an e-mail address to benefit from receiving news from the Prime Minister's site.If after reading a summary you want to view the full text, simply link to the full text document found on the Web site.If you close your news reader/aggregator, you will not be advised of updates until the next time you open it. When news items are published by the Prime Minister's Office, your news reader/aggregator will let you know through a small pop-up window or other alert device.Launch your news aggregator or news reader application and paste the news feed URL into an "add new feed" window.Simply click on any category above and copy the URL that appears in the dialog box.Instructions on adding a news feed to your News Reader or aggregator: Each news item includes the headline or title, a summary of the news article and a link to the full text document found on the site. The Prime Minister's Web site offers you numerous RSS news feeds. The $29.95/month premier bundle not only includes News Plus, but all other Apple subscription services like Music, Apple TV Plus, Apple Arcade and Apple Fitness Plus.Rich Site Summary (RSS) or as some refer to it, Real Simple Syndication, is an XML-based format for content distribution in real time. You can get News Plus as part of the Apple One bundle. The organization of Apple News Plus didn't impress us when we tested the app, but at least Apple's come up with more creative ways to pay for the service. Reese was quickly vilified online for her taunts, prompting some prominent figures to call out the hypocrisy inherent in the way Clark was previously let off the hook for doing the exact same. Apple has also introduced audio stories, including a daily audio briefing on the most pressing news. This $9.99/month subscription service offers access to more than 300 different magazines like Time, Sports Illustrated, and Wired, as well as premium articles from The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times. As of iOS 14, a home screen widget serves up headlines without you having to even open the app.īut as part of Apple's push into services, the company has beefed up its new app, adding News Plus in 2019. The Feed learns and improves its choices based on your reading habits. Editor-curated feeds catch you up on the latest headlines and special interest pieces, while a personalized newsfeed lets you select your favorite topics. Apple's News app comes pre-installed on your iPhone or iPad, offering up a wealth of news stories from a variety of sources.